Dharma Triangle
- Review and Learn Verse:
“Dhriti Kshama Damosteyam Shouchamindriya Nigrahah Dheer Vidya Satyamakrodho Dashakam Dharma Lakshanam” - Summarize the 10 values into 3 pillars of the Dharma Triangle
- Dharma Triangle from scriptures -
- Did a transforming negative emotions meditation to recognize the negative emotions we have and to transform them.
- Make a resolution for the space of positivity and clarity for 2020
- Discuss what is Satyam. It is being aware of our real self as - Brahman- SAT CHIT ANANDA
- It's also being an Integrated/Authentic Personality, where our thoughts, words and actions are aligned and in synch.
When we say something, do something else, and think something else, we have a split personality. The body, mind and intellect are not in harmony. Then we are not integrated we are not authentic and real and people around us can sense it and will not trust us. We also can recognize people who are not authentic and we do not trust them or take them seriously.
- Told/Read stories based on Truth and the consequences.
- Combined Session discussion with real life scenarios and how they would handle them and why?
- Acknowledging our mistakes and have courage to face the consequences
- Be truthful in situations like shopping where we are undercharged or overcharged; don't be tempted to shoplift
- Recognize the kind of people you associate with and how to deal with negative peer pressure.
- Always remember if your thoughts, words and actions are in Dharma - Non Violent (Loving/Peaceful) and Sustainable - Enable equilibrium, balance (Not selfish or destructive)
Reflection for the week: Teacher's Guidelines-
- Respect yourself and the universe around you, which includes people, places, things and experiences.
Practice for the week:
- Observe every thought, word and action and evaluate if it is Dharma, else reset to Dharma.
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