Thursday, January 23, 2020

Yato Dharma Tato Jayah - Chapter 25 - Dharma Triangle - Ahimsa

 Dharma Triangle - Ahimsa

Quote - yada na kurute bhavam  sarva-bhutesv amangalam
            sama-drstes tada pumsah  sarvah sukhamaya disah|| SB 9.19.15

When a person does not entertain any ill-will towards any creature and is equanimous in their outlook, all directions are full of happiness for them.
·      Dharma Triangle and Dharma Values.  Are they working on their core values and reaching them?
·      Review Satyam and the stories from last class

Activity and Discussion
·      Makara Shankaranthi –
o   Various names Lohri, Pongal, Bihu, Uttarayan
o   Kites, Cows, Harvest, Sun in northern hemisphere
o   Astronomy – Pongal day advance once in 72 yrs, constellations, earth’s tilt, revolution.
o   Gratitude – Earth, animals, sun -  Sharing, - Celebration
·      What is Ahimsa – Non-Hurting, Non-violence OR love, compassion, empathy
·      For the stories we did last week, imagine if we were in the other person’s shoes. 
·      Stories from Key to Success chapter 10 -11

Reflection for the week: Discuss with Family
·      How Shankaranthi is celebrated in family.
·      Scientific, Social and Sociological significance of festivals.
Practice for the week: 
·      Observe and Practice Ahimsa, Compassion, Gratitude, empathy.

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