Thursday, January 31, 2019

13. P.O BOX Mr. GOD -Clean and Dirty

1.     Chapter 14Clean/Dirty
God resides in the heart of those that don’t have negative qualities
2.     Discussions: 
-       Discuss the negative qualities- Arishad Vargas - that that make humans weak, powerless and lose control of themselves.
-        Discuss positive qualities – Asta gunas- that empower humans and how to use it to conquer the negative qualities.
-        Bhakti and Japa (devotion, prayers and meditation) help acquire these positive qualities
3.     Reflection for the week: New Years Resolution
-       Become aware of your Positive and Negative Qualities
4.     Practice for the Week –
-       Daily Prayers, Japa and filling up with 8 divine qualities
-       Practice Charity and Giving – at home, school, etc.

Good/Empowering Qualities
Bad/Weakening Qualities
Awareness overcomes negatives
Daya- ComPassion, Love, Positive
Kama- Obsession, Desire
Gratitude, Love, Respect
Kshanthi – Patience, Peace, Prudent
Krodha- Rage, Anger
Peace, Planning, Prudent
Anasuya-Positive, Open Mind, non jealousy
Lobha- Greed, Miserliness
Generosity, Contentment
Saucha-Purity, Clean, Peace
Moha- Attachment, Selfish, Mineness
Pious, Compassion, generosity
Anayasa-Powerful, Plan, Ease, non tiring
Mada/Ahankara- Arrogance, Vanity 
Humility, Purity, Peace
Mangala-Pious, Pretty, Auspicious
Matsalya- Jealous, insecurity
Contentment, Open minded
Akarpanya-Prosperous, Generous, non miserly
Raga- Wanting, agitated
Gratitude, Contentment,
Aspraha-Plenty, Contentment, non-desiring
Dwesha- Not wanting, agitated
Purity, Patientience, Planning
Maya – Ignorance, intoxicated, UI
Knowledge, Pious,
Kapata, Damba, Abhimaan – Mean, Deceitful, Malicious,
Love, Compassion, Peace, self-confidence, awareness.

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