Thursday, January 31, 2019

12. P.O BOX Mr. GOD -Charity and Bhakti

Quote – “Charity Opens the Heart”.  “Every good act is charity. A man’s true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows.” Charity Begins at home, but does not end there”

a.     God lives in the heart of those who: offers Oblations, feed brahmins and give charity. Looks upon ones guru as greater than God.
b.     Significance of Homa, Oblations, Brahmins,
c.     Charity – Get these from kids.
-          Definition:  Help the needy, an act or feeling of goodwill or affection, lenient judgement of others, and love for humanity.

-          What, When , Who, Why, why? Charity means giving unconditionally with the purpose of betterment of an individual, community, society, nation or the world. Charity comes in many forms it can be time,  physical, intellectual, emotional, or material. 

   Bhakti- See Divine through Body, Mind, Senses and Intellect. Devotion to the Lord.
Discuss the follwing - 
1. When BHAKTI enters FOOD,  FOOD becomes PRASAD,

2. When BHAKTI enters HUNGER, HUNGER becomes a FAST,

3. When BHAKTI enters WATER, WATER becomes THEERTHAM

4. When BHAKTI enters TRAVEL, TRAVEL becomes a PILGRIMAGE,

5. When BHAKTI enters MUSIC, MUSIC becomes KIRTAN,

6. When BHAKTI enters a HOUSE, HOUSE becomes a TEMPLE, 


8 . When BHAKTI enters in WORK,  WORK becomes KARMA,  and 

9 When BHAKTI enters a MAN, MAN becomes HUMAN..      

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