Thursday, January 31, 2019

07. P.O BOX Mr. GOD -GOD's Gifts/Deepvali

Quote – What you have is a gift from God. What you do with what is you have is your gift to God. – Swami Chinmayananda

God lives in the heart of those who offer fragrances, food, clothes and ornaments and then use them as prasada.
a.     Importance of Nose- Fragrances / Mouth – Food/ Clothes/ Wealth
b.     Senses are gift from God.  
c.      Activity – Guess objects in the goody bag without looking, hearing, smelling, talking, touching.  Only feel from outside
-       List what we perceive through each of the senses.
-       Try to guess value of dollar bill without seeing, taste of sweets without tasting, guess songs in a CD without listening so on.

-       Appreciate the value of sense organs and value them as gifts of god.  
  Deepavali is being thankful and celebrating for clothes, wealth, and all the gifts of God.  

 Deepavali and Gratitude
a.     Offer foods, sweets, new clothes
b.     Lakshmi pooja – Offer wealth, food, share
c.      Sing and dance with body as offering for god. 

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