Wednesday, October 10, 2018

03. P.O BOX Mr. GOD - Background and Introduction

September 30th 2018

Quote- “Face the challenges squarely. It is by meeting it, that a challenge is answered, not through circumvention. It is by facing it, that a problem is solved, not through escape…” - Swami Chinmayananda.
  • Review God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient – Chart Qualities of God.  Where to find God in real life- Introduce SAT CHIT ANANDA

WHY Negative Qualities by Human Description of GOD  Example in Nature Positive Qualities - Human WHY
absent  death, ugliness, loss, sadness, anger, jealousy, sleeping  Omnipresent - SAT Is everywhere.  Beyond Space and Time (Past Present future) form/formless; living/ non living; big/small; beauty/ugly; strong/weak;  life, beauty, useful, strength, happiness, success, love, helping, compassion, awake something is present 
Chaos, scare stupid, crooked intelligence, violence,  Omniscient- CHIT - Knows everything, Mind/Emotions/Intelligent. Creater, Maintainer, Destroyer the astronomy, seasons, growth, body functions, intelligence, predators, prey,  Intelligence, Knowing, systematic, rhythmic, routine, natural balance growth, organized, development
destroy, harm, hurt Natural Calamities,  Omnipotent -Anand -  Love - Creater, Maintainer, Destroyer - powerful, can do anything, love, peace, in Body/Mind/Intellect inventions,  Achieving, arts, creativity,  Development

  • Introduction to Valmiki, Tulsidas, and background of Ramayana till they meet Valmiki
  • Class Activity and Discussion:  
  • a.     How would you handle the situation Ram was in when he lost what he deserved and asked to go to forest? 
    c.      Lessons from Valmiki and Tulsi life, Miracles, Their styles of writing,
    Tulsidas ji Chaupais to find where GOD lives - Introduction to BMI Chart, Serenity Prayer 

  • How to handle Difficult situations 

Serenity Prayer 

Serenity Prayer 

Practice for the week: 
1.     observe the SAT CHIT ANANDA everywhere.
2.     Observe how to handle situations in your life
Resources for preparation:
 Gita Guidance about God  -

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