Monday, July 20, 2020

Yato Dharmah Tato Jayah BG 12.16

Review so far 

How to deal with conflict ? Let's brainstorm....


We all have times we we disagree with others and they disagree with us, but we can solve that problem and get to a solution with four simple steps:
1. Just Stop
2. Watch Your Words
3. Listen Up
4. Solve The Problem

Krishna’s Steps to Conflict Resolution

  • Anapekha - No Comparisons - Expectations = STOP
  • Suchir Daksha - Clean, Mature -Thought, Word and Action - WATCH
  • Udaseeno - Fair and Stoic - LISTEN/Observe/Empathy
  • Gatavyatah - Not Anxious -SOLUTION/Compromise
  • Sarvarambha Parityagi - Not instigate, No need to win
  • Mad Bhakta - Goal is Greater Good of Universe; Peace; Love

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