Review So far
Krishna Symbolizes - Divinity, Consciousness, Brahman
- Divinity flows through a person when these values manifest
- Divinity in Action, Word, Thought, Emotions
- Divinity makes one Self-Confident, Self- Reliant, Self-Aware.
BG 12. 14
Advesta Sarva Butanam - Non Hating
Santushta Sattatam - Ever Content, Happy, At Ease
Maitri - Belongingness, friendliness
Yogi - United with Divine, Harmonious
Karuna-Empathetic, Kind, Understanding
Yat Atma Dridhanishchaya - Self Aware with certainty
Nirmano- Unselfish, Giving,
Mai Arpita - offered to Divine, In service of Divine
Nirahankara - Not arrogant, Not egoistic
Mano-Buddhi - Mind and Intellect
Sama Dukha-Sukha - Unruffled mind
Mad Bhakta - Loving and committed person
Kshami - Accepting, Forgiving, Capable.
Same Priyah - Is divine.
Krishna Stories - BG 12. 13 Takeaways
- Krishna’s Life was wrought with Challenges
- He Loved everyone, was friends with the whole village and animals
- He Always watched out and helped his friends and villagers
- Krishna was Not arrogant nor egoistic
- He Dealt with problems in balanced and equanimous way
- Forgiving till time came for Kamsa
Meditation - Contentment
- Have everything- Perfect Body, Wealth, Fame, Intellect a Royal
- Everything you need - Air, Water, Food, freedom, intellect
- Body at Ease, Peaceful Mind, Alert Intellect
- Inner Strength, Harmony,
- How will you use your life
Discussion- Qualities Great Influencers
Santushta Satatam- Ever Content
- Keeps us in present
- No likes/dislikes; Nothing to lose
Yogi - United with Divine
- Peaceful
- Body, Mind and Intellect aligned
Yatatma - Self Knowledge, Open, Available, Self AwareDridha Nischayah - Knows with Conviction, Self Confident, high self worthMai Arpita Mano Buddhi - Dedicate Mind, Intellect towards the goal, cause, divinityMadbhakta - Dedicated to Divine Sa Me priyah - Is my Beloved.. Is in Divine..
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