Monday, June 22, 2020

Yato Dharmah Tato Jayah - Darling of Krishna - BG 12.13

Review So far

“Living the right values of life is like building a dam across a river” - Gurudev Chinmayananda

Discipline and Value project 

Core Values of my Dharma



Don’t do anything DISRESPECTFUL 


Don’t do anything UNSAFE


Don’t do anything UNHEALTHY


Don’t do anything ILLEGAL


Don't do anything IRRESPONSIBLE

  • Too much control- Can’t be creative, individuality suppress

  • Too much freedom - Irresponsible, break all discipline 

  • Banks of river of life - Discipline and values 

  • Examples - music to a scale, like laws in society, privilege and responsibility

My Dharma - Harmony in Duality; Shiva-Shakti; Unity - Completeness 

Respect, Love, Peace 

Make a heart (or your symbol) and fill it with the values you should have in order to follow the above Disciplines or to be in Dharma as you learned from previous lessons.

BG 12.13 advesta sarva-bhutanam , maitrah karuna eva ca| nirmamo nirahankarah sama-duhkha-sukhah ksami|| One who is not envious but who is a kind friend to all living entities, who does not think himself a proprietor, who is free from false ego and equal both in happiness and distress

Hate Conversation

  • Body Language 

    • Aggressive, Loud, Bad Language, Physical damage, ugly face

  • Breath

    • Fast, shallow, hot

  • Mind 

    • disturbed, incoherent, 

  • Emotion 

    • Hate, angry, jealousy, hurt, 

  • Did it resolve your hate or issue for hate? 

Values - 

1. Advesta Sarva Bhutanam - Do not hate anything in universe

Meditation - Transforming Hate

2. Maitri - Best Friend

    • Friendliness, Belongingness, Kindliness, 

    • Equality, Respect, Benevolence, Support

3. Karuna - Empathy

    • Compassion, Acceptance,Love

Apply these to overcome self-hate 

Dialogue -Victory and Failure

  • How did you feel while sharing victory?

    • Proud, Egoistic, Superior, Balanced, Happy, Grateful, 

    • Arrogant, 

  • How did you feel while sharing failure

    • Sad, Low Self Esteem, Ashamed, inferior

  • What was driving the feelings? Dealing Unhealthily

    • I, Me, My, Mine, Myself -Too much fame, money, entertainment industry, party, drink, waste, irresponsible... 

    •  Superior, Inferior - Ego - Failure - Inferiority, Depression, Drugs, alcohol.. 

How to manage-Victory and Failure

4. Nirmamo - Unselfishness, non possessive, non-manipulative, non greedy 

5. Nirahankara - Non-Arrogant, Non egoistic, humble
6. Sama Dukha Sukha - Balanced good and bad times, Equanimity, unruffled, non extreme, grounded
7. Kshami - Givingness, Acceptance, Forbearance, Forgiveness

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