Thursday, October 24, 2019

Yato Dharmah Tato Jayah - Chapter 16 - Sanatana Dharma

Chapter 16 - Sanatana Dharma

1.     Review – What is the Key to Success? 
·      Self-awareness/Swadharma
·      Review stories – Self-knowledge is master key, Our uniqueness is our swadharma, swadharma leads to happiness and success
2.    Activity
·      Strength/Weakness review - with teachers’ examples.
·      Dharma Goal – Teacher Example
·      Now we know what Dharma is.. Now how to live it in life. 
·      How = Sanatana Dharma – Achar prathamo Dharma – Duty or Behavior and Acharya is one who teaches us that - and 10 values my Manu
-       Have kids come up with values that characterize Sanatana Dharma
·      List the 10 values with meaning-(ref.
-       Dhriti (15 meanings)– fortitude  = Courage, Constancy, seizing, resolution, keeping, firmness,
-       Kshama (7) – forgiveness or acceptance= , patience, pardon, indulgence, tolerance, endurance, 
-       Dama (8) – self command = mastery, control, subduing, taming
-       Asteya – non stealing
-       Saucha - Cleanliness, purity, integrity
-       Indriya nigraha – Victory over senses, defeat senses
-       Dhi – intellect, discremination,
-       Vidhya - knowledge
-       Satya -authentic, true
-       Akrodha – free from anger
3.     Reflection for the week: 
·      Values – Dhriti, Kshama, Dama and how it helps with Dharma (Ahimsa and Dharana)

4.     Practice for the week: 
·      What are the Qualities or values needed for Dharma.
·      Practice Dhriti, Kshama, Dama

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