Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Yato Dharma Tato Jayah - Yaksha Prashna

Yaksha Prashna

Question Yudhishthira's answers 
What makes a person have purified soul?Brahman,  Veda or self-knowledge. 
What are those that keep company with the
 soul during its progress of purification 
Devas.  Self-restraint and other qualities,
which are all of a god-like or divine nature
Who leads the soul to its place (state) of
Dharma, i.e., True Nature 
On what is the soul established. Satyam.  Truth or Pure Knowledge. 
By what does one become wiseIt is by the (study of the) Srutis that a person
becometh learned/wise; By sacred knowledge
 orally transmitted by the Brahmans from 
generation to generation

By what does one aquire what is greatBy Tapasya.   By determination and
commitment.  Hard work
How can one have a companion? By Dhriti. By steadiness, integrity,  and
consistency.   Resolution or Satisfaction
personified as a daughter of dakSa and wife of
 dharma or as a shakti
How can one acquire wisdom and
Vridha Seva.  Respecting and serving the
mature souls. (Like  gurus)

Yato Dharma Tato Jayah - Final Project

My Path of Life - My Dharma

There are many Religions in practice in Humanity.  Below are some of major religions and some highlights.  There are many similarities and differences between them.  Below is your project

Project Guidelines:

  1. Come with your own path of life based on the prompts in the first column.   
  2. Once you have them all your path of spiritual life is clear, create one or more artifacts to describe the concepts in it.  
  3. Make sure the content is Chinmaya Mission relevant - Proper language, content, visuals and ideas. 
  4. You can email me for questions or concerns. 
  5. Please feel free comment in the blog.   
  6. Artifacts can be anything creative -  eg. they can be.. 
  • Scriptures - Veda, Upanishad 
  • Stories - like Panchatantra, Puranas
  • Art Form - Music, Dance, Plays etc
  • Art  - Paintings, Sculpture etc

Christianity Judaism
Monotheism - GODMonotheistic
SymbolOMCrossStar of David
Principle of the religionSanatana Dharma, Holy Trinity10 commandments
Values Satyam, 
LIfe, Death, ResurrectionCore Tenets
Founding FigureAdi ShankaraJesusJudas
ScripturesVedas etcBibleTanak/Torah
Practices Temples, Gods, 
work, meditation,
RitualsPoojas, HomasBaptism, Ritual, Meditation
Easter etc.