Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Yato Dharmah Tato Jayah - Chapter 15 - Dharma

Introduction: Chapter 15 - Dharma

Meaning of the name of the book –

Yato – Where there is
Dharmah – “Dharma”
Tato – There, there is
Jayah – Success/Victory

Where there is Dharma there is Success/ Dharma is the Key to Success

Interactive Discussion-  

What is success ?  What does it mean to you? Write down what success means to you. 

Karma Cycle 

What is Dharma?

Dharma – Definitions by Sri Krishna - Karna Parva 69.57&58

1.  à¤¯à¤¤  स्यात अहिंसा  संयुक्तं, स  धर्म  इति  निशचय :
     à¤…हिंसारथाय  भूतानां  धर्म प्रवचनम कृतं 

yat syad ahima samyuktam, sa dharma iti niscayah 
Ahimsarthaya bhutanam dharmapravachanam krtam.

Meaning: Whatever is established in nonviolent (not aggressive, non hurtful, not harming) that is determined as dharma.  Great Rishis as taught Dharma for the sake of non injuring to anything, security, safeness of existence or creation.

2.  धारणा  धर्म  इत्याहुः धर्मो  धारयते प्रजा 
      यत  स्याद  धारणा  संयुक्त स धर्म  इति निश्चय :

Dharana dharmam itya hu, dharmo dharayate praja
Yat syad Dharana samyuktam sa dharma iti nischayaha

Dharma sustains people.  Because it sustains it is called Dharma. Therefor whatever sustains life (universe), where no life is hurt, is Dharma. This is the conclusion.

Preserving/supporting is our nature.  Our Nature supports life through creation and growth. Whatever goal is associated  in sustaining and maintaining life that is our nature.

Sanskrit meanings: 
1.     Dharma ( manner, nature, attribute, character, duty. Morality, righteousness, ethics..)
2.     Dharana (preserving, keeping, having, possessing, bearing, supporting, holding, protecting, retention, sustaining)
3.     Ahimsa (harmlessness, non injuring to anything, security, safeness, nonviolence)
4.     Samyukta (united, associated, joint, accessory)
5.     Syat (is, established in)
6.     Bhutanam (creation, existence)
7.     Praja (bearing, bringing forth, posterity, generation, procreation, propagation, growth, mankind, creature)

So Dharma is –

1.     What ever supports or preserves is nature or Dharma
2.     Dharma supports growth and creation, non hurtful or non injurious

Actions/Goals Based on Dharma should be:

1.     Established in non harming, non injurious, non hurtful intentions… i.e supporting, preserving to all creation

Understand Being in Dharma –

Everything in nature sustains itself in its unique way - 

1.     What is the dharma of the universe? (How does universe sustain itself) – mass and energy balance. That is chit.

Evolution and Equilibrium in Universe

2.     What is Dharma of (what is the sustainable quality) - Swadharma
a.     Sugar – sweetness not size shape, color
b.     Fire – heat and light
c.     Water- ability to flow
d.     Plants- life, ability grow, reproduce
e.     Animals-  life, grow, reproduce, live in society, feel, respond,
f.      Humans – life, grow, reproduce, live in society, think, feel, choose – self awareness. 

    Reflection of the week- What is your dharma?  Swadharma – Self awareness

a.     List of strengths
b.     List weaknesses
c.     What is your uniqueness?
4.     Goals should be based on our swadharma for sustaining both ourselves and existence.

Practice for the Week

Make every thought, word, action to be rooted in Dharma.  
Observe your Swadharma